Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Modern Vintage Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern Vintage Kitchen Interior Design Idea

New Book: Designers Here and There

Above are images from a new design book entitled Designers Here and There by Michele Kieth. Designers in the book include: Michael Berman, Barclay Butera, Renea Abbott, Martha Angus, Eric Cohler, Chris Coleman, Lee Bierly and Chris Drake, Larry Boeder, Sue Burgess, Pam Duncan, Andrew Fisher and Jeffry Weisman, John Marrs, Benjamin Noriega Ortiz, Molly Luetkemeyer, Alex Jordan, Beverly Jacomini,

location book interior

home white 2010 Salah satu proyek kami dikupas Tabloid Rumah Edisi 182. Edisi yang terbit 5 Maret 2010 ini membahas interior garapan Annahape Studio sebagai headlinenya atau laporan utama. Untuk memperjelas bahasan banyak foto disajikan, mulai dari foto taman, ruang baca, living room, ruang makan, sampai mushola. Tidak ketinggalan denah rumah serta tips penataannya. Semuanya itu disajikan dalam yang sering datang via telpon atau email: Mbak, saya mau lihat showroomnya, show unit interiornya. Dan jawaban saya sering tidak memuaskan mereka.
kritikus Studio tidak membuka showroom, tidak memajang barang di toko, atau memamerkan sebuah show unit. Tidak ada. Mungkin mereka kecewa, atau setidaknya surut keyakinan. Kadang, saya mengajak mereka (yang betul ingin melihat dan menyentuh) pergi ke rumah yang kami desain. Itu pun kalau pemilik rumah mengijinkan kami melihat-lihat. Mengapa sementara ini saya bertahan untuk tidak membuka lapak rumah kost-kostan. Pertimbangan utama bagi investor adalah lokasi yang strategis. Itu sebabnya Anda tidak asing melihat tulisan: ‘TERIMA KOST WANITA’, ‘DISEWAKAN UNTUK KOST PRIA’ di wilayah sekitar kampus atau pusat niaga. Bagi pengguna, lokasi bukan satu-satunya pertimbangan. Apa lagi kalau tersedia banyak pilihan. Kenyamanan, kelengkapan fasilitas, ketenangan bisa jadi

design interior

HOME CLASIK DESIGN INTERIOR Atap adalah mahkota rumah. Atap dapat membuat facade rumah menjadi berbeda. Mungkin atap rumah Anda sudah waktunya diganti. Masalah yang sering terjadi: kayu sudah keropos dan bocor disana-sini. Sebagai ganti kayu, mungkin Anda ingin menggantinya dengan atap baja ringan. Beban atap akan semakin ringan kalau Anda juga memilih menggunakan genteng metal. Dalam tip 49 saya sudah Seorang pembaca bertanya: apakah rumah minimalis furniturenya harus bergaya minimalis? Tidak selalu. Dengan sedikit sentuhan, rumah minimalis bisa dikombinasikan dengan interior style lain. Tapi, please cermat-cermatlah kalau Anda mau mencobanya. Kali ini contohnya adalah interior klasik modern dalam rumah minimalis. Bisa juga disebut retro design karena mengambil inspirasi desain Cara mendesain tangga. Foto tangga yang inspiratif. Desain tangga (atau secara umum arsitektur dan interior) adalah perpaduan kecermatan matematis dan cita rasa seni. Desain yang baik dimulai dengan perhitungan matematis yang sempurna. Kalau Anda salah menghitung secara persis jumlah/tinggi anak tangga, serta kebutuhan ruang untuk tangga, rumah menjadi tidak nyaman. Cita rasa seni

chair mode interior modern Ini cerita lucu dari klien. Anekdot rumah minimalis modern di Jakarta. Minggu kemarin, saya kedatangan klien baru. Seperti biasa kami bincang-bincang di teras belakang studio arsitek kami yang asri. Halaman luas, dengan pohon mangga dan rambutan di tengahnya. (Catatan: di situ memang tempat kami bertemu klien. Tidak ada ruang meeting formal untuk konsultasi) Nah, seperti biasa

luxury interior Panduan praktis mendesain rumah. Berbagai tip model desain rumah minimalis modern, etnik, atau tropis , dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber inspirasi. Sedikit saja pembaca blog ini adalah klien kami. Pasalnya, menggunakan jasa studio arsitek, mungkin di luar pertimbangan banyak anggota masyarakat. Saya maklumi adanya. Karenanya, trik desain kali ini saya sharekan untuk Anda yang akan

all interior

home clasical Coba bayangkan desain perpustakaan di rumah. Mungkin yang tampil adalah koleksi buku dalam lemari kotak warna coklat. Meja kerja formal. Kiranya bukan tempat favorit di rumah. Apalagi buat remaja. Membosankan!Tidak harus begitu kok. Ruang baca bisa tampil ceria, modern dan penuh warna. Perpustakaan pun jadi tempat belajar dan diskusi yang menarik. Asalkan didesain dengan tepat, ruang

DESIGN INTERIOR CLASIK STYLE Kali ini, tentang desain ruang keluarga. Living room interior design. Khususnya untuk Anda yang tinggal di apartemen atau rumah tipe 36,45,70,80,90. Ruang yang tersedia biasanya tidak besar. Plus minus 9m2 atau kurang. Di banyak rumah, ruang keluarga sekaligus berfungsi juga sebagai ruang menerima tamu (tip 33). Karenanya, design yang baik tentu memperhatikan kedua fungsi ini. Kamar tidur utama bisa membosankan bila tidak didesain dengan tepat. Interior master bedroom yang baik setidaknya memperhatikan 3 elemen pokok. Yaitu, harmoni warna dan dekorasi, fungsi, serta mood atau vibrasi energi. Ketiga hal itu tentu saling terkait dan sama pentingnya. Tetapi, mulai dari mana? Cobalah Anda mulai dengan membuat list tentang fungsi atau penggunaar ruang tidur

interior Salah satu proyek kami dikupas Tabloid Rumah Edisi 182. Edisi yang terbit 5 Maret 2010 ini membahas interior garapan Annahape Studio sebagai headlinenya atau laporan utama. Untuk memperjelas bahasan banyak foto disajikan, mulai dari foto taman, ruang baca, living room, ruang makan, sampai mushola. Tidak ketinggalan denah rumah serta tips penataannya. Semuanya itu disajikan dalam empat

home type 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Crescent Interior Black Kitchen Design Idea

Crescent Interior Black Kitchen Design Idea










Saturday, March 27, 2010

Carbondale Apartment Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Carbondale Apartment Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Westweek - The Editor at Large Panel

If you didn't have a chance to see the lectures and attend the parties at Westweek, well I hate to tell you but you really did miss out this year! The PDC was filled with lectures QandA's and plenty of eye candy to keep you busy. This year I was extremely happy to be one of the designers asked to be on the panel for Editor At Large. Now if you don't know about Editor at Large, you need to hop on

Save the date - Next DNG Event at Filmore Clark

We will be having our next DNG Event at Filmore Clark, April 29th, 2010. Invite will go out next week. If you are not a member and would like to attend our meetings please contact me directly for information. Membership fee is $25 for the year.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Ragam Gaya (Style)

Ragam Gaya (Style): Art Deco, Classic, Country, Contemporary, Ethnic, Mediterranean, Modern, Minimalist, Retro, Tropical, Victorian.

Jasa Desain Interior (Interior Design Services):

Interior accessories, home accessories, kitchen accessories, home accents, room design, curtains, kitchen designs, window treatments, office accessories, bathroom accessories, home furnishing, living room sets, bedroom sets, chairs, tables, lamps, coffee tables, end tables, dining room sets, beds, bed frames, table lamps, wall lamps, patio, dining room table, furniture (home furniture,


This type of curtain track, ceiling mounted track, is not used often in homes but is very popular in apartments or where there is full height glazing to a wall as often there are no available fixing points on the wall to mount a track. The Barcelona sofa and stools by Mies van der Rohe are a popular 20th Century Furniture Design as well as the Le Corbusier Grand Confort sofas. The thick shag

Jasa Desain Arsitektur (Architecture Design Services)

: Desain Arsitektur Rumah Tinggal (2D, 3D), Desain Toko, Desain Kantor, Desain RuKan/Ruko, Desain Restaurant, Bangun Rumah Baru, Renovasi Rumah, Desain Rumah Minimalis, Desain Rumah Tropis, Desain Rumah Mediterrania, Desain Rumah Klasik, Desain Rumah Mungil, Desain Rumah Kecil, Desain Rumah Biaya Murah, Desain Rumah Mewah.

Contemporary Ceiling Mounted Curtains Behind a Pelmet or Cornice

Author: Arch. Aria 6 December 2007 3,020 views No Comment This room is an excellent example of ceiling mounted curtains behind a fixed pelmet or cornice. This space has a wonderful collection of features and dramatic use of pattern and color as a feature wall. The damask look wallpaper provides the room with definite personality and is unmistakably the focal point with the

Dekorasi Kamar Tidur Yang Romantis

Dekorasi Kamar Tidur Yang RomantisAuthor: Arch. Aria 2 December 2007 20,017 views No Comment Kamar tidur adalah tempat yang paling spesial bagi setiap orang. Khususnya Anda yang telah berpasangan, kamar tidur telah menjadi ruang privasi yang sangat nyaman. Namun jika akhir-akhir ini merasa bosan dengan dekorasi kamar tidur Anda, inilah waktunya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang

Modern Simple Minimalist Color of Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern Simple Minimalist Color of Kitchen Interior Design Idea


Using an intricate system of perforations, came up with a very interesting design called Sunbeam Poem Projector. The unusual system allows sun rays to puncture the material in order to project lyrics on the area it is turned to. The patterns change as the sun moves its position on the sky, and with each passing hour new lyrics are projected. We imagine that the lyrics come from different poems.

wirles furniture

powerkiss is a Finnish company whose slogan is “you are the future”. Fair enough, considering that they come up with designs which bring the future closer, at least in technology. Here is some information on the official website explaining what they do: “Powerkiss has developed an integrated wireless charging solution, which converts basic furniture into smart energy platforms. To juice up your

house interior design art minimalis

You probably did not see coming, but the unusual home is all-equipped: electric light, current water and a sewer system- all was taken care of by the owners. Asked if there were any bats or bugs in the cave, Curt Sleeper answered: “Nothing a cat or two won’t handle”. The owner also stated that after this experience, he “would never live in a box again”. Sadly enough, the family is confronted with

design interior

How many of you thought about living in a secluded area, with no annoying neighbors and neighborhoods, a refugee of tranquility and peace? In this post we would like to show you how this idea can be brought to life. This amazing cave home belongs to Curt and Deborah Sleeper and is located in Festus, St. Louis. The family bought the place a few years ago and managed to turn the cave into a

design minimalis badroom

Sometimes it is simply helpful to see how someone else has designed a whole space, how the interior design elements fit together to become pieces of a whole room. With that in mind, here are some complete from that might not be crazy and cutting edge or amazingly avant garde but provide some visual design inspiration – particularly when it comes to color.

badrtoom interior design

The bedroom is the space that we spend the most time in. Like it or not, we need to sleep to be able to function. So why not make it your personal haven with the use of interior decorating. This website provides bedroom interior design ideas for free. Sometimes it only takes a simple idea to get your creative juices flowing. Browse through the pictures and use the articles which provide advice to

badrtoom interior design praktice

Some badrom show how amazingly different a room can look with a fresh coat of paint in a modern or trendy color, or how to use color to change the perceived space. Interior design can bring out the best in a bedroom space. Using interior design ideas for your bedroom can make your nights feel indulgent and enjoy your well deserved sleep in a stylish bedroom of simple silk elegance or a country

design art interior

desaign interior minimalis

Agar terlihat serasi dan enak dipandang, menata interior rumah sebaiknya diselaraskan dengan fasad bangunannya. Jika tampak mukanya memakai art deco, penataan interiornya juga tidak lari dari gaya itu. Demikian pula untuk model rumah minimalis, interiornya pun didesain dengan gaya yang senada. Meskipun dalam penerapannya, tidak bulat-bulat memakai kedua gaya itu.

interior white badroom

The Midwest and the Middle Ages

From G.K. Chesterton, What I Saw in America, Chapter 6: In the American Countryside:If a man had gone across England in the Middle Ages, or even across Europe in more recent times, he would have found a culture which showed its vitality by its variety. We know the adventures of the three brothers in the old fairy tales who passed across the endless plain from city to city, and found one kingdom

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In Honor of Tomorrow's Solemnity

The Virgin Annunciate. Antonello da Messina (Italian, ca. 1430–1479). Oil on panel; 13 5/8 x 17 3/4 in. (34.5 x 45 cm). Galleria Regionale della Sicilia, Palermo.

This Should Have Been Posted on St. Patrick's Day, But I Forgot

St. Blog's resident Cistercian just darn can't remember who last week's green-vested saint-o'-the-day was. Hilarity ensues.*** I seem to remember he was Romano-British by birth so I presume this means last week we ought to have been chowing down on a two-course meal of sphaghetti and steak and kidney pie, right? I have no idea where all the soda bread and corned beef is coming from... (Ducks

Modern Kitchen Interior Design All in One

Modern Kitchen Interior Design All in One

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Modern Element Interior Design of Kitchen

Modern Element Interior Design of Kitchen

Oracle jobs

Websol Software Private limited

About Company

Outsourcing, Staffing and Consulting

Job Description

Job Title: Oracle PL/SQL Team lead. (1 position)

Work Location: Chennai

Experience: 4 - 5 years in programming with a good knowledge of data modeling and an aptitude to design software modules. Should have proven leadership experience.

Job involves analysing requirements and designing software modules primarily on an Oracle platform. The candidates should also be able to analyse errors in production environment and be able to propose workarounds and permanent solution.

Technical Skills:

Good relational database skills. Knowledge of PL/SQL would be an advantage

Should be able to analyse requirements and design and code the solution (primarily in SQL)

Should be able to analyse data and correct data in a semi-production environment

Soft skills:

Excellent communication and strong leadership qualities.

• System Analyst/ Tech Architect
• Database Architect/ Designer
• Database Administrator (DBA)
• System Administrator

Please log on to apply for the above jobs

Database Administrator (DBA)

About Company

About Company

Neptune has a rich history in delivering mission-critical core systems to the banking and financial services sector. Having delivered end-to-end solutions to over 60 financial services institutions, Neptune has the proven experience needed to meet the requirements of internationally recognised banking practices.

Neptune now has 6 locations of its own in EMEA plus a development centre in Chennai, and is continuing to develope its global partner network. Since 2005, Neptune has demonstrated constant process improvement by regularly passing ISO 9001:2000 TickIT audits, including in 2008. In addition, Neptune is proud of its track record of delivering on-time and within budget as well as high customer satisfaction levels. For more information, visit

Job Description


Neptune Software plc, a leading supplier of software solutions and managed services to the banking industry is looking to hire a Database Administrator.

Skill and Job Requirements:

We are looking for a Database Administrator who fully understands Oracle Database Administration on 10G and above, and has at least 6 years of solid DBA experience.

* You will have extensive database installation and tuning experience, tuning both SQL and SGA, and be familiar with init.ora parameters.
* You must be able to generate statistics for tables, partitioned tables, sub-partitioned tables and interpret and troubleshoot issues using statistics, and you must be able to generate an ‘explain plan’, interpreting the output, and related reports.
* Working with the development team, you will manage all database updates, resolve issues related to ‘undo’ tablespaces, segments, perform hot and cold backups, perform export, import and recovery under various scenarios, such as recovery of a corrupted database when the database runs in archive log mode, and recovery of tables data when they are accidently dropped.
* Perform database development activates as directed, resolve CPU loading, and provide SQL expertise to the development team.
* You will understand Database design and ensure that all database models are updated and optimised, document databases, maintain data dictionary definitions, and update database standards as required.
* Provide assistance to customers and if required provide assistance with escalated issues.

Experience in a UNIX/LINUX environment is essential.

Based in Chennai, India, frequent international travel may be required.

Qualification: A Bachelors/Masters degree in Engineering/Computer Sciences from premier university.

Please log on to apply for the above jobs

Oracle Apps DBA

Company Name: Future Focus Infotech Pvt Ltd
Location: Chennai

Company Profile
Focus Infotech was established in 1997 to leverage on the opportunity provided by the Y2K challenge that had to be resolved before the end of the millennium. It chose to meet the challenge by producing competent SW professionals with custom-made, rigorous short-term training program for engineers and computer graduates. Even as a start up company, it competed successfully with a host of established companies to be awarded the Business Associate status by TCS

Job Description
Key Skills: Oracle apps DBA

Job opening with -Future Focus Infotech Pvt Ltd

Client- CMM Level 5

Skills-Data Stage

Kindly mail me your profile along with the few detail-

your present CTC-


Notice Period

Present Company-

Reason of changing the job-

Ready to submit your educational certificate to FFI for BGC Check-

Any constrain working on Contract-

Contact Details

Namejyoti Gawri

Please log on to apply for the above jobs

Monday, March 22, 2010

Last months DNG event at Fifth Floor Gallery

Thank you Robert for hosting a wonderful event at your gallery. Above our images from our event at Fifth Floor. Enjoy! For more info on becoming a member, please view our blog here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beautiful Apartment in Lisbon : A Fun Family Renovation




he best strategy for small apartment interior become more aesthetic and functional is by utilizing each corner of the apartment room interior into different functions. By some these modern apartment interior picture below, you can see how the designer easily transform this small apartment (only has 2 room) into a very good looking apartment and wider. As small apartment in common, the home plan





German furniture manufacturer, Hülsta has designed this 2010 modern living room collection to create a stylish interior room decoration for your modern living room space. The living room design has wood paneled shelves with a space for library, television and wi-fi system. A modern look and contemporary design is created by the use of a room divider for optimum utilization of space. The most


Spending the time in a hospital never is fun. Either Adults or Kids, hospital becoming one big deal due to boredom, the smell, and the pale interior which makes you feel like you can never get recovered. Even more, for kids, hospital is just a dead scene, boring, and never is fun thus it will slow the kids healing process. Now the feeling isn’t like that anymore. The collaboration of Queen


One way to decorate your home interior design is by picking a suitable themes that fit with your taste and style. One of the most popular themes is Oriental interior design because of its relevance to culture and tradition such as Asian interior design themes that could be your nice choice with its stylish and classy way to decorate your home. Within many selection, chinese and Japanese influence


he best strategy for small apartment interior become more aesthetic and functional is by utilizing each corner of the apartment room interior into different functions. By some these modern apartment interior picture below, you can see how the designer easily transform this small apartment (only has 2 room) into a very good looking apartment and wider. As small apartment in common, the home plan


d that’s the reason why probably people really lazy doing their laundry. Have you ever herds simplified ? Simplifying means getting things organize in the simplest way. Here are the tips to get a neat chic and sleek laundry interior design room. Firstly what you need to do is know your theme, budget and space (for a new laundry room) and for the redesigned laundry room then you need to take


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see of picture that is forbidden by law or is violating any third party rights. Re-selling or free distribution of the picture or it's copies to a third party.


A picture can be used in print, electronic media, or online as many times as you need. The only exception is that the Basic License cannot be used if the picture or image is the main object of the sale e.g. printing the image on a coffee mug, T-shirt,calendar, or poster. For these purposes you must use an Extended License. A Basic License can be used for printing on the packaging of the main


A picture can be used in print, electronic media, or online as many times as you need. The only exception is that the Basic License cannot be used if the picture or image is the main object of the sale e.g. printing the image on a coffee mug, T-shirt,calendar, or poster. For these purposes you must use an Extended License. A Basic License can be used for printing on the packaging of the main

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Holy Roman Macaroni

Assorted Facebook Status Updates from Yours Truly:February 7 at 9:21 PM Tony Stark meets Sister Bertrille: "I AAAAAMMMM FLYIIINGGGG NUUUUNNNN!!!"February 14 at 12:42 PM The one downside with having effectively switched over to the 1962 calendar is that I can no longer ask everyone why they're celebrating St. Cyril's day with red hearts and candy...February 21 at 10:24 PM I was very good last

Job Sites

Pennagaram political temperature peaks

Campaign for the Pennagaram byelection, scheduled to be held on 27 March, is set to hot up, with leaders of political parties, including Chief Minister and DMK president M Karunanidhi, AIADMK general secretary J Jayalalithaa, Deputy Chief Minister MK Stalin and DMDK leader Vijayakanth planning to hit the campaign trail next week.
While Karunanidhi is likely to address a public meeting at Pennagaram on 24 March, Jayalalithaa will tour the constituency on 22 and 23 March. PMK leaders, including its founder S Ramadoss, were the early birds as they went into campaigning mode several weeks ago.

Jayalalithaa is scheduled to speak at 18 places across the constituency canvassing votes for Anbazhagan, her party candidate. Stalin will also kickstart a three-day campaign in the constituency from 23 March in support of DMK candidate P N P Inbasekaran.

A host of Ministers including EV Velu, Veerapandi S Arumugam, K Ponmudy, K N Nehru, Suba Thangavelan and Thangam Thennarasu are already camping at Pennagaram and involved in a door-to-door campaign.

Actor-politician Vijayakanth, who is busy with his directorial debut Viruthagiri, will take time off from his shooting schedule and campaign for party candidate Kaveri Varman for five days from 21 March.

The DMK is leaving no stone unturned for ensuring victory in the byelection. For, the stakes are high for the ruling party, as it wants to maintain its winning momentum. The DMK-Congress alliance has won all the 10 seats that witnessed by-elections so far.

Winning Pennagaram, once its pocket borough, is a prestigious issue for the PMK as the party suffered total rout in the Lok Sabha elections last year. The DMDK, which lost its deposit during the past two bypolls, is under pressure to improve its performance in Pennagaram.

The AIADMK’s campaign seems to be lacklustre so far, but is expected to get a fillip with the visit of Jayalalithaa.
Leaders of the CPI and CPI(M) will step up their campaign in support of the AIADMK candidate in the coming days.

Decorating a Three Room Apartment With Style

Getting a general education on how lighting works is a valuable for not only the bedroom but other areas of the house. Get a grasp of the different types of lamps and fittings and what sort of light is best for specific situations. Lighting can be a daunting task for interior design and decorating students, but once you start to learn some basic information your confidence will grow.


Lighting creates the mood in the bedroom. Careful planning of bedroom lighting ensures that the space can be multifunctional. Soft and subdued for a romantic look, task lighting for reading at night, strong daylight for getting dressed and putting on make up. It's not until you actually stop and think about the tasks you perform in the bedroom that you realize all the different types of


Lighting creates the mood in the bedroom. Careful planning of bedroom lighting ensures that the space can be multifunctional. Soft and subdued for a romantic look, task lighting for reading at night, strong daylight for getting dressed and putting on make up. It's not until you actually stop and think about the tasks you perform in the bedroom that you realize all the different types of


he bedroom is the space that we spend the most time in. Like it or not, we need to sleep to be able to function. So why not make it your personal haven with the use of interior decorating. This website provides bedroom interior design ideas for free. Sometimes it only takes a simple idea to get your creative juices flowing. Browse through the pictures and use the articles which provide

Friday, March 19, 2010


Le Fablier’s luxury classic bedroom furniture in your bedroom interior design is an important mark, an unmistakable style. Elegance tradition and quality are the fire that feeds the atmosphere of most furnished with Le Fablier’s luxury classic bedroom furniture. To furnish in order to enhance the aesthetic sense, to create emotions and develop the philosophy of life. Here some ideas and...

INTERIOR DESIGN style badroom

INTERIOR DESIGN style badroomLooking for comfort and functionality house interior design ideas? Then living room furniture Tosca, designed by Nolte Debruck, might can become the answer for your house interior design. Living room furniture Tosca combines both, offering impressive furniture that satisfies even the highest demands. Stylish combinations in core beech reproduction and white


Komandor’s sliding doors systems offer you comfort, elegance, functionality and safety. The perfect choice of colors and materials combined with the right proportions give Komandor’s sliding door systems a look which is natural and harmonious while at the same time modern and elegant in any room. All of Komandor’s sliding doors systems are user-friendly and easy to keep clean. Here some...

INTERIOR DESIGN style badroom

Victorian style bedroom decorating ideas is a mix and match of many early cultures, but brought together by England for a room full of vintage worldly treasures. The most common Victorian bedroom decorating colors include dark jewel tones and lighter shades of pinks and greens. Every main furniture piece in the room should blend together with the rest with finely detailed moldings and trims,

INTERIOR DESIGN style badroom

Victorian style bedroom decorating ideas is a mix and match of many early cultures, but brought together by England for a room full of vintage worldly treasures. The most common Victorian bedroom decorating colors include dark jewel tones and lighter shades of pinks and greens. Every main furniture piece in the room should blend together with the rest with finely detailed moldings and trims,


he Borealis lamp-shade, designed by Liam Hopkins & Ricard Sweeney, is part of a series of lights, which were the result of experiments with computer design and CNC manufacture. Each Borealis lampshade comprises machine cut components, which are assembled and finished by hand in the Lazerian studio. Please visit Lazerian studio site for more information.


he Borealis lamp-shade, designed by Liam Hopkins & Ricard Sweeney, is part of a series of lights, which were the result of experiments with computer design and CNC manufacture. Each Borealis lampshade comprises machine cut components, which are assembled and finished by hand in the Lazerian studio. Please visit Lazerian studio site for more information.


It’s all about how you live. Contemporary furniture design from interior designer sofas Natuzzi known for their origin as artisans they had to become synonymous with Italian quality, precision and style. And everyday, 4,000 people in 123 different countries find the ideal way to furnish their living space with Italian furniture. Here some photos and pictures of contemporary furniture sofas


Modus Design, with its partner in Holland, has been innovating fireplace design, transforming the traditional concept of the ‘fireplace’ and creating inspirational and contemporary functional objects of beauty that incorporate leading technology, glass, stone and moulded metal. Here the top unique application of their fireplace design. From ultra stylish, contemporary, outdoor, restaurant,

interior design charing

Interior Design With Personality: The Ross Street House in Wisconsin

Here are two chairs. On first inspection, they are similar. Both are based on a Louis XV Berger Chair. A classic form. Look at the front. Look at the back. Ignore the fabrics. Focus on the form. You'll notice the graceful upholstered backs and seats. The carving. The little arm pads on the arms. The cabriolet leg. All hallmarks of the Louis XV.But when you start to appreciate the details a


INTERIOR DESIGNWhat we put in hospitals and schools has long been regulated in most states, but what we put in our own homes is outside of the government's reach? Why? No idea, really. Perhaps it's lobbying, or lack of consumer interest, other reasons for sure. But it's slowly starting to change. Many consumers know about the dangers of lead paint, asbestos, mercury, and more recently


INTERIOR DESIGNHere are two chairs. On first inspection, they are similar. Both are based on a Louis XV Berger Chair. A classic form. Look at the front. Look at the back. Ignore the fabrics. Focus on the form. You'll notice the graceful upholstered backs and seats. The carving. The little arm pads on the arms. The cabriolet leg. All hallmarks of the Louis XV.


RINGLING COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGNThere is, at the beginning, an empty space - and a world of infinite possibilities. Through a creative process learned in your classes, you begin to visualize and apply elements such as color, texture, form, and light, and that empty space becomes a space of functional and beautiful art. As a Ringling College of Art and Design Interior Design major, you will

New Line Art from Matthew Alderman

Matthew Alderman. S. Dymphna of Gheel. Private Collection, Minnesota. January 2010. From the Catholic Encyclopedia:There are at Gheel fragments of two simple ancient sarcophagi in which tradition says the bodies of Dymphna and [her confessor and fellow martyr] Gerebernus were found. There is also a quadrangular brick, said to have been found in one of the sarcophagi, bearing two lines of

Style Living Room Decorating Ideas

There are many ways to decorate your living room. As this is usually the room where a family entertains guests and spends time together, much thought usually goes into the design. Sometimes, however, inspiration is hard to come by. Here are a few living room decorating ideas to help get your creative juices flowing. 1. Determine your design style. Look through home decorating magazines and see

Beauty Home Decoration Photo

Are your bathroom wall tiles rather dated? Does your shower cubicle lack sparkle? Grubby grout lines in your kitchen? In these credit crunchy times you can still decorate with ease when you “do it yourself”. Plastic wall tile panels offer a quick and easy solution to your tiling problems. You don’t have to chip off your old ceramic wall tiles or call in a professional tiler. Plastic tile panels



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Interior White Decorating Bedroom

As well all know the bedroom should be one of the most relaxing areas in our homes and those whose bedrooms feel disordered may find it difficult to sleep. In fact when redesigning your bedroom it should be a place of peace and relaxation and the ideas provided below for your bedroom interior decorating design should help you to achieve this. In fact the biggest problem you have may when looking

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The interior design industry revolves around creativity and the use of multiple ideas. At you will find a web site full of useful information that will inspire you to generate your own interior design ideas for free and at one website. It is so easy because this site covers bathrooms,
The interior design industry revolves around creativity and the use of multiple ideas. At you will find a web site full of useful information that will inspire you to generate your own interior design ideas for free and at one website. It is so easy because this site covers bathrooms,
Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce
There are a wide range of working conditions and employment opportunities within interior design. Large and tiny corporations often hire interior designers as employees on regular working hours. Designers for smaller firms usually work on a contract or per-job basis. Self-employed designers, which make up 26% of interior designers,[2] usually work the most hours. Interior designers often
Not to be confused with interior decoration, interior design, which evolved from interior decoration, involves a multitude of technical, analytical, creative skills, and understandings of architectural elements. There is a wide range of disciplines within the career of interior design. Domestically the profession of interior design encompasses those designers who may specialize in
In jurisdictions where the profession is regulated by the government, designers must meet broad qualifications and show competency in the entire scope of the profession, not only in a specialty. Designers may elect to obtain specialist accreditation offered by private organizations. In thewho also possess environmental expertise in design solutions for sustainable construction can receive
Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce
Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce
here are many simple and quick ways to add life to your rooms by adding a little of your own personality. We can all express ourselves through our choiceIf you feel slightly intimidated by this idea, start by observing the world around you to find inspiration. What objects in nature are you drawn to? You might be inspired by a trip to a tropical paradise or want to create the feel of an
Small apartments and condos often do not have sufficient storage space. No reason to despair, though, as there are always creative decor solutions you can use to find more storage. For example, you can hang a fabric panel on the front of an étagère to hide wrapping paper, craft supplies, or tools. A skirted table can camouflage a file cabinet, storage boxes, or even a television.
Do you have velvet drapes or a heavy corduroy sofa? Spring is the time to change them out for lighter looking alternatives. Remove the drapes and replace them with airy sheers. Slipcover the sofa or chairs with paler tones or florals.Remove dusty silk flower arrangements from your rooms and store them away for a few months. Instead, bring in fresh green plants, flowering pots, or elegant

Fantatic Wholesale Home Decor New Exclusive

Bamboo home decor has quickly emerged as the premier material for not only African home decor, but other home decor as well. It’s a material whose time as come. I’ll explore the many benefits and inroads bamboo continues to make in the home decor industry. Thanks to modern processing methods, literally every room in your home can incorporate some form of decor using a bamboo theme. Whether it’s

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bishop Baraga Miracle!

Bishop Frederic Ireneus Baraga--some of our readers were introduced to this local Slovenian-born Midwestern holy man when I posted an illustration I had done of him for a recently-ordained priest. I reproduce it below. Some of you (the Yoopers in the audience especially) know him well already, and I received a number of very kind notes from his fans among my readership. You all will be

New Press California Home + Design Magazine

Above are some images of some new press from the April issue of California Home + Design Magazine about the Upward Bound House homeless shelter I worked on back in January. Kelly LaPlante and Bridgid Coulter both had mentions as well. Thank you Erin Feher for the wonderful spread! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Christmas Day Snowball Fight at Clear Creek

The Benedictines out in Oklahoma at Clear Creek are known for their austerity. However, like all good monastics, they know how and when to cut loose, as these photos posted on their website show. You can see the foundation of their future Thomas Gordon Smith-designed church in the background.
menerima pesana:interior:kitckenbad room

Also, What of Baritsu?

To the lost soul who came here looking for the answer to the Google search question should catholic girls do karate what does the saint say, I really am not entirely sure how to answer. One must logically assume that the Vatican's elite cadre of nunjas must recruit their loyal followers from the ranks of pigtailed convent schoolgirls, though the photographic evidence seems to suggest that

Monday, March 15, 2010

Interesting Interior Design IDEAS

9 Structural Design Tips for Minimizing Earthquake Damage Posted: 01 Mar 2010 03:28 AM PSTAs you all know, recently there have been a few natural events that shook the world yet once again. The massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile not too long ago and the one in Haiti on January 12 left us helpless in this ongoing confrontation between man and nature. We know we can not do anything from

Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunelli Tunelli is an Italian company founded in the mid 1980s who designs and produces furniture items in glass. We really enjoyed looking through their portfolio and our choice for you guys is this amazing contemporary collection of coffee tables. With a high regard to aesthetic effect, the company created these items in order to bring a plus of refinement and style to a room. Some of the products have very original shapes and go great with modern environments. Others come with with a storage space for fruit bowls and magazines. We took a special interest in the ones that have two or even three separate components, even though from a practical point of view, one would probably prefer a coffee table built from only one piece. Which one do you like best? Coffee Table CollectionTunelliTwig 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From TunelliStrappo 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From TunelliRosa del deserto 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunelliqubik 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From TunelliLobacevskij 04 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From TunelliElica 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunellieden 25 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunelli Eden 01 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunelli dekone 02 Glass Coffee Tables Collection From Tunelli

Glass Coffee Tables Collection From TunelliTunelli is an Italian company founded in the mid 1980s who designs and produces furniture items in glass. We really enjoyed looking through their portfolio and our choice for you guys is this amazing contemporary collection of coffee tables. With a high regard to aesthetic effect, the company created these items in order to bring a plus of refinement and

Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Posted: 01 Mar 2010 07:11 AM PST Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Sometimes the most insignificant disruption in matters of furniture can change a room for the better. In this post we would like to showcase this flexible storage system from WilliamSorel, an alternative for the classical shelving solutions. This item not only brings a plus of originality to the overall design of an interior, but it is also very practical. The wooden furniture collection is not very pretentious and can fit great in almost any room. The shape and size of the product can be custom made and the storage possibilities are numerous. Whether it is placed in the living-room and used as a bookcase, or in the hall-way in order to store clothes and hide the footwear, the Denizen System will prove its utility time and time again. For more information or for purchasing this product online, you can visit the manufacturer’s web page here. Flexible Storage System WilliamsSorel Denizen Desking main 03 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main D031 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S04 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S06 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S05 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S031 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S021 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main S011 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main D051 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel Denizen Storage Main D041 Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorel

Flexible Storage System From WilliamsSorelSometimes the most insignificant disruption in matters of furniture can change a room for the better. In this post we would like to showcase this flexible storage system from WilliamSorel, an alternative for the classical shelving solutions. This item not only brings a plus of originality to the overall design of an interior, but it is also very practical

21 Amazing Pool Ideas For Contemporary Houses

21 Amazing Pool Ideas For Contemporary Houses In his incessant search for inspiring design ideas, Michael gathered a collection of 21 fabulous pools in order to boost our reader’s spirits. You can take them as beautiful ideas and you can appreciate their shape and style. But what we would like you to do is keep the designs in mind and consider these pictures as inspiring concepts for your future

A Nomad’s Dream Home – Casa No Gere

A Nomad’s Dream Home – Casa No GerePortuguese architect Graça Correia and Italian architect Roberto Ragazzi have come together to produce an architectural marvel in the heart of Portugal’s only national park. Named Casa No Gere the house has won several accolades and has been spoken oh highly in the elite circles. The strict National Park rules led the architects to come up with a jaw-dropping

Caption Contest!

The chapter of canons of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Zebra mark their titular feast-day.*(Also, photo stolen from the wonderful Catholic eye-candy weblog The Far Sight 2.0).*Actually, as I am fond of repeating, there really was a "Church of the Holy Zebra," a nickname given to an earlier, riotously stripey Siennese Romanesque building that housed a New York Unitarian congregation; their

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Beautiful Scandinavian Kitchens Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:53 AM PSTWe know we have been featuring a lot of kitchens of late at Home-Designing. But nice designs like these just keep hitting us. These scandinavian kitchens from Swedish maker Marbodal make use of the typical pale and cool color palettes that you normally associate with kitchens from this part of Europe. Most kitchens are predominantly

Beautiful Apartment in Lisbon : A Fun Family Renovation

Beautiful Apartment in Lisbon : A Fun Family Renovation Posted: 13 Mar 2010 08:06 AM PST These amazing interiors belong to in a beautiful apartment in Lisbon, Portugal, a place which dates back to the year 1850. However, the more interesting part is that the home was redecorated by a family and the work was done without consulting any specialists. Sure, by the way things look, you might say this

Awesome Dining Rooms From Hulsta

Awesome Dining Rooms From Hulsta Posted: 12 Mar 2010 09:33 PM PSTIf you are looking to remodel your dining room, Hulsta has a few ideas up for grab. What is it that you might want your dining space to have? Whatever you can imagine right from a simple chair to dining table and side tables and chandeliers, Hulsta provides you with all of it.If you like a certain accessory in their collection and

Beautiful Scandinavian Kitchens

Beautiful Scandinavian Kitchens Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:53 AM PSTWe know we have been featuring a lot of kitchens of late at Home-Designing. But nice designs like these just keep hitting us. These scandinavian kitchens from Swedish maker Marbodal make use of the typical pale and cool color palettes that you normally associate with kitchens from this part of Europe. Most kitchens are predominantly

E House, Amazing Architecture and Design By Agraz Arquitectos

E House, Amazing Architecture and Design By Agraz Arquitectos Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:02 AM PSTFrom Agraz Architectures this amazing looking residence was built in collaboration with many artists, leaving nothing to chance. The house belongs to family Espinosa Viramontes, who wanted a place that would fit well in the neighborhood and also take on the challenges of the complicated terrain. We

Top 20 Unique Contemporary Coffee Tables

Top 20 Unique Contemporary Coffee Tables Posted: 25 Feb 2010 05:28 AM PSTTables have been used since ancient times. Various shapes and sizes of table were made and used by the early Egyptians and Chinese. The history of coffee tables dates back to the late 19th century, during the Victorian era in Britian. Before this period, coffee tables didn’t exist. Rather, tall, round tables called tea

Functionally Designed Piano Table by Georg Bohle

Functionally Designed Piano Table by Georg Bohle Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:13 AM PSTIf you want a piano in your home, but until now space was a problem the piano table by Georg Bohle solves all these problems. Created from oak wood, it is functionally designed to serve both as dining table and as an electric piano. The piano table is a dining table or work space with a built-in electric keyboard

The Springtime Chair by Frank Winnubst

The Springtime Chair by Frank Winnubst The days when chairs used to be made up of wood and four legs are long gone. Contemporary furniture sums up a lot of unusual ideas and The Springtime Chair by Frank Winnubst is one of them. The designer decided to use strings instead of legs and wood and created this original sitting item. “Springtime” is said to quite comfortable due to this design and a

Dramatic, Opulent and Original Bathtubs From Lineatre

Dramatic, Opulent and Original Bathtubs From Lineatre Posted: 23 Feb 2010 02:50 PM PST The classic bathroom interior commonly features a simple arrangement, with the main products placed according to how the pipes in that building are settled. Today we would like to show you a selection of original bathtubs who do more than not respecting the rules. Their design-created by the people at Lineatre

Great Looking Lace Cut Storage Furniture

Great Looking Lace Cut Storage Furniture In case you were looking for unusual storage furniture to place in your apartment and was out of ideas, we hope these pictures below carry a source of inspiration. These lace cut storage cabinets come from Brocade and they have an innovative look and feel. They feature lovely patterns of leaves or flowers and also the possibility of glimpsing inside

Modern House Inspired by Medieval Castles

Modern House Inspired by Medieval Castles Remember those ancient remains you see now and then during visits in ancient locations? Or those medieval castles that are still available to the average visitor today only as museums? Today’s home  doesn’t fit in any of the above categories, instead it is a modern place, meant for residential living. CastleRock is a building located in Bodrum, a city

Stylish Contemporary Kitchens from Bauformat

Stylish Contemporary Kitchens from Bauformat Posted: 23 Feb 2010 10:31 AM PSTBauformat is based in Germany and offers fantastic solutions suiting individual budgets and floor plans. We noticed many not-so-common-hues used in the kitchens from their catalogs. They offer four ranges at Bauformat – Cube, Cucina Purista, Trend and Country. The company’s technical know-how on kitchen designs becomes

Aveleda’s House : Inspired By Roman Architecture

Aveleda’s House : Inspired By Roman Architecture From architect Manuel Ribeiro, Aveleda’s House is located in Portugal, next to “Bracara Augustae”, an old Roman city. The main idea of the design took its roots from the fact that ancient Roman homes were usually built around a square.  Here is a statement from the designer about this: “We tried to take the most of the land to create a connection

“Four Works” a Cool Multifunctional Workstation

“Four Works” a Cool Multifunctional Workstation “Four Works“  Workstation comes from Danish manufacturer Four Design and was created due to the joint effort of Patricia Terrazas and Michael Swan. Whether it is kept at home or at the office, “Four Works” comes with cool integrated features in order to serve the needs of any pretentious user. The innovative office has a comfortable sitting place

A Stunning Combination Between Classic and Modern : Abril Furniture Collection

A Stunning Combination Between Classic and Modern : Abril Furniture Collection Abril is the latest collection of furniture from MOBILFRESNO, expected to be launched this April. The elegant set brings together dining chairs, bed frames, interesting wardrobes and great looking night-stands. The designers like to say they are “suffused with the self-same light of the serenity and elegance of April

Breathtaking Views Of the Pacific : Y Residence by Kidosaki Architects

Breathtaking Views Of the Pacific : Y Residence by Kidosaki Architects Posted: 19 Feb 2010 03:44 AM PSTLocated in Japan, this beautiful home was under a recent renovation from  Kidosaki Architects Studio. The company is famous for they works, and especially for the fact that they manage to perfectly integrate traditional Japanese items into contemporary residences. Y Residence is such an

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Lost Cardinal

A good friend sends this little tale of humility along, taken from a long-ago item in the New York Times: On the day of the consistory the Cardinal-designate waits in his apartments, dressed in beautiful robes, usually surrounded by friends, until the papal Master of Ceremonies, formally announces the honor to which he is about to be raised and accompanies him to the Vatican. [...]Cardinal

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Caption Contest!

Pope Benedict is delighted to discover he is the 1 millionth prelate to visit Gamarelli's.(Image brazenly stolen from somewhere in the archives of The Crescat.)

Musica Sacra Florida Conference, March 19-20, 2010

A good friend passes along the following: The Florida Chapter of the Church Music Association ofAmerica is pleased to announce:The 2nd Annual Musica SacraFlorida Gregorian Chant ConferenceSponsored by the Florida Chapter of theChurch Music Association of America in conjunction with the Department of Music, Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida. Friday & Saturday, March 19-20, 2010This two-day

Hildreth Meiére, Hiding in Plain Sight

One of the great joys of being an enthusiast of recent art history is the rediscovery that is under way of much of the twentieth century's heritage of traditional art and architecture. There are the big, dominating figures such as Comper and Goodhue, who did not so much disappear from memory as drift to the peripheries, and there are the numerous "minor" artists, architects and craftsmen who

Monday, March 8, 2010

Unhappy Hipsters

As the people (person?) behind the website Unhappy Hipsters knows, sometimes having too much taste is as bad as having none at all. A simple idea: add silly captions to pretentious, underbuilt, overdesigned interiors and exteriors ripped from the headlines of modish living magazines. The result is darkly funny social sature, or perhaps like reading a biography of Le Corbusier written by Edward

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bali is one of the most famous architect

Bali is one of the most famous architect, who are already in their names nationaly and internationaly its architecture and villas, hotels, and homes all over the world.Name as Popo Danes, Sukarmayasa Made, Made Wijaya, some of Bali's most famous architects and landscape design for the property. If you want to create the best property around it, see more, since they put their best efforts to bring

Friday, March 5, 2010

home office design | home office design Ideas

More and more individuals are quitting their jobs and are deciding to work from home, due to the burst of internet business opportunities. There are many reasons that a person can think of working from home and plan a home office. Here are 3 essentials that are necessary so that your home office functions well and you are able to give your best in your business.1) The location of your home

Home Interior Design | Home Interior Design Ideas

If you like the idea of coming up with your own home Interior design,you are not alone. Lots of folks these days are planning out and then executing their own interior designs. But how do you come up with great home interior design ideas? Here are a few suggestions to get you started.Probably one of the easiest ways to get home decoration ideas is to simply watch television these days. There

Office Interior Design Ideas

With the internet becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society, it comes as no surprise that many people now have the ability to work form home. You are one of those people, and have allotted a room in your house as your office space. However, the room is rather bare at the moment, and you want to liven up your work space.The first thing that you need to think about is the primary use of

A New Low in the Field of Hokey Pop Christian Art?

So-bad-it's-hilarious Church Art from The Crescat: "When you only saw one set of footprints in the sand, that's when I let the bear eat you." (More.)Hmm, actually that sounds kind of Donatist. Also, I'm amazed to have discovered a painting that makes Thomas Kinkaid look like Rembrandt by comparison.Personally, there's potential: but only if Our Lord was riding on the bear and they were both in

Monophysite Cracker Would Make a Great Name for a Band*

You Know You're a Catholic Nerd When the advertising slogan "Part pretzel, part cracker, all good," makes you momentarily want to play the "Spot the Christological Heresy" game.By the way, why do marketing people assume that something flavored bright orange (the color, not the fruit) tastes like cheddar? As to the Christological analogy, I assume it has something to do with Artotyrite Montanism,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's Ten O'Clock: Do You Know Where Your Brown-Throated Three-Fingered Sloth Is?

1. Whoever invented the term "pet parents" to refer to people who own animals should be hit on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper. Pet parents? I actually saw it on a commercial the other day. Okay, there's no harm in folks getting sentimental about their's best friend and all that having a long and very noble history. Being not really a pet person, I suspect there are joys there I

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Toledo Cathedral (No, the Other One)

Another brilliant example of underappreciated early twentieth-century liturgical work, Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Toledo, Ohio, is the work of one William Perry, of Pittsburgh, and was begun during the tenure of Samuel Cardinal Stritch. It is frequently described as Plateresque in style, the Spanish architectural mode thought to resemble the delicacy of early Renaissance

Monday, March 1, 2010

Volvo Follow The Tokyo Motor Show

new Folvo in the tokyo car contest show

Volvo, the Swedish unit of Ford Motor Co., will not participate in the Tokyo Motor Show this fall.

"We have evaluated our participation at motor shows for 2009 to see how we can make the most out of our resources, and this year we decided not to participate at Tokyo," Volvo spokeswoman Maria Bohlin said today in an e-mail.

Ford Motor Co. said earlier this week it would not participate in the show, but a spokeswoman said she could not comment on plans for Volvo or Mazda Motor Corp.

Mazda will participate in this year's show. Last year, Ford raised $540 million by cutting its stake in Mazda from 33.4 percent to just over 13 percent, but the two automakers will continue joint ventures and the sharing of vehicle platforms and powertrains.

Ford joined General Motors and Chrysler LLC in skipping the event this year. Pullouts by non-Japanese automakers and concerns raised by some Japanese automakers stemming from the global auto sales slowdown have cast doubt on whether the October 21-22 show will take place.

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association will decide by early next month whether to postpone the show, Toshihiro Iwatake, JAMA's executive director, told Automotive News earlier this week.

If the event is canceled, the next Tokyo Motor Show would be in 2011, Iwatake said.

Several auto companies pulled out of the Detroit auto show, which opens to the public tomorrow. The missing companies included Nissan Motor Co., Suzuki Motor Corp., Porsche AG, Rolls-Royce and Land Rover. Mitsubishi Motors Corp. canceled its corporate presence, but local Mitsubishi dealers put together an exhibit.

Some participating automakers, including federal loan recipients Chrysler LLC and General Motors, toned down their Detroit displays and built single-story exhibition stands to save money.

The Best Design Car In The Future

The Best Design Car In The Future 3First picture car in the future like that will make you say that is very imagine. This car design like capsule or the faster car in the world.
For students of the way car demand is changing — and how design will adapt — the next few years will provide some fascinating spectator sport.

Seems to me that many of the rules about how cars look and are laid out will be rewritten, even before the expected blizzard of hybrid and electric powertrains arrives.
The Best Design Car In The Future 2Second picture car in the future There are signs this week that Volvo is about to redesign its traditional V70 estate - because customers think its roof is too low - just as Renault is preparing to drop its Espace MPV because customers feel, in this new age of insecurity, that the pioneering people-carrier’s glassy, high-riding way of doing things makes them too vulnerable.
The Best Design Car In The Future 4Third picture car in the future Discovering who’s right (each company doubtless has iron-cast research to justify its point of view) will be fascinating.
The future of car design
Other trends? Big-engined cars are obviously in trouble, now that fuel efficiency is all. That threatens formerly bulletproof premium cars.

Buyers have traditionally used their BMW purchase to justify an extra-performance engine with accompanying trimmings. BMW does perfectly good ‘cooking’ engines, of course, but it’s the pizzazz that earns them the money. If they start making a higher proportion of ordinary cars, as they surely will, the bottom line is bound to suffer.
The Best Design Car In The Future 6Fourth picture car in the future Don’t expect big-cabin cars to go into a spiral, though. Consumers keep growing, and they enjoy the comfort too much to squeeze themselves into micro-cars. Look forward instead to a renewed crop of innovations in packaging, accompanied by cheaper and more effective weight saving.

Superminis that weigh 1100kg can’t be afforded, when they used to weigh 800kg. So which are the areas of traditional strength?

Ironically, I believe the Mondeo/Insignia crop of models may generate renewed interest as we wait for the hybrids to arrive. They’re big bodied and well priced, while their staple engines are both advanced and economical. I’m especially impressed by their traditional voluminous estate versions (which is one reason why Volvo should have a care before it kills the traditionalist’s V70).
The Best Design Car In The Future 7New Toyota Alphard design is the best car in 2010
One thing Volvo could consider - and I’m half-serious here - is to reprise the old shovel-nosed Volvo design. After all, retro-cars like the Mini and Fiat 500 continue to provide islands of sales strength in a world of uncertainty, and Volvo marketing men continue to protest that the perception of the boxy and upright Volvo hold-all refuses to die.
The Best Design Car In The Future 5Maybe it’s time to stop fighting the old image and to see it as a virtue. best picture car in the future concept.

Writen By :
About Steve Cropley
Road tester of 35 years and columnist of 15, Steve says he’s as much in love with cars today as he was on day one. “And not just the cars, but also the industry that makes ’em.”The Best Design Car In The FutureThe Best Design Car In The FutureThe Best Design Car In The Future

New Popular Car BMW 320d Winter Concept

New BMW 320d Winter ConceptBMW 320d Winter Concept by Miranda-Series :

Though there’s not much left of this winter, German tuner Miranda-Series announced a very good looking winter sport package for the BMW 320d (the current generation, but the version before the facelift). By optimizing the ECU, the tuner managed to increase the 2.0 liter turbo diesel’s power output up to 199 hp. Handling was improved by equipping the car with Eibach Pro-Street-S coilover suspension and Stop-Tech brakes. Other changes include new 19-inch black alloy wheels wrapped in Dunlop winter tires and new Recaro seats. However, there’s one small setback. The package, though it looks good, it’s not that impressive, but instead is priced at €13,544 (almost $18,000), which is a lot.
New BMW 320d Winter ConceptCheck out more photo after the jump New BMW 320d Winter Concept.

Epistle Organ (1736), Mexico City Cathedral

I know it's Lent, and thus (in the best of all possible parishes) the organs are mostly silent, but Mexican organs--even somewhat out-of-tune ones--are always a delight, and a testament to a venerable tradition in that country of Spanish-style organ-building and associated music that we are largely unaware of north of the border.